The Kind Worth Killing Book Club Questions and Reviews

"Author Peter Swanson takes our deep-seated, instinctive ambivalence about so-called 'justifiable' slayings and presses the point, hard."

Richard'southward review

Have you lot ever heard the reported details of a murder case and thought to yourself, not without a twinge of guilt: 'Well, they deserved information technology.' Perchance a battered wife who finally snaps and stabs her abuser in his slumber. Or the grief-crazed father of a murdered child who arranges for the bedevilled killer to be 'taken care of' in prison. (Both, incidentally, scenarios that have played out in real life.)

Writer Peter Swanson takes our deep-seated, instinctive ambivalence about so-called 'justifiable' slayings and presses the point, hard. The Kind Worth Killing is an apt title, juggling as it does with the notion that some people have indeed 'asked for it'.

So what makes someone the kind worth killing? Swanson enjoys himself testing united states of america on the question. How about a lascivious, drooling paedophile with designs on an under-age daughter, the daughter of maverick friends who he is staying with for the summertime? Equally this is fiction, we may allow ourselves to give the Roman thumbs downwards on this one.

But a cheating married woman? Cheating blatantly, certainly, coolly betraying her one time-adoring husband who is enraged and driven one-half-demented with jealousy. The more she lies to him, the more he fantasises about her death – and that of her lover, a human who smiles and smiles to his face up before making love to his married woman when he thinks her husband's dorsum is turned. Is HE the kind worth killing, too?

Swanson's protagonists in this great novel certainly retrieve so.

"Stand by for plot twists that will take your breath abroad. Oh – and an awful lot of killing. "

Judy'south review

The story opens in the business concern lounge at Heathrow Aerodrome. Wealthy Ted Severson's airplane dwelling house to Boston has been delayed and he falls into chat with a beautiful young woman on the same flight as him. Her name is Lily Kinter. Fuelled by cocktails and the foreign out-of-time, out-of-place temper of drome lounges, Ted begins to open up to Lily. He tells her that he has discovered his wife, Miranda, is cheating on him. He knows this for certain because he spied on her and saw her having sex with the couple's abode contractor, Brad, when they idea he was safely out of town.

'So what are you going to do about information technology?' Lily asks him.

'What I actually desire to do is kill her,' he replies boozily, attempting a flash to show he isn't serious.

But Lily is. She lifts her eyebrows. 'I remember you should,' she says simply.

The plot thickens on the flight home equally Ted and Lily begin to compose their dance of death, he hesitant at first, she calmly self-assured and then very on his side. They agree to stay in touch; – as he is a Boston entrepreneur and she is an archivist at Winslow Higher nearby, this won't be hard. So nosotros're off – and we oasis't fifty-fifty got to page 50 nonetheless!

Swanson provides us with flashbacks to Lily'southward past and, without giving anything abroad, we gradually observe she is completely psychotic; manipulative and very, very dangerous, especially when crossed. Ted, equally the Americans say, has 'caught a live ane'. Just will he back out of their homicidal enterprise? Will he even desire to back out?

Stand by for plot twists that volition have your breath abroad. Oh – and an awful lot of killing.

Press reviews

Here are a selection of the reviews for The Kind Worth Killing

"What makes The Kind Worth Killing so enjoyable is the beautifully constructed plotting – leaving bated all the book'due south other virtues, that chemical element alone comfortably sees off 'second novel syndrome."

Financial Times

"A classy, slick and stiletto-sharp thriller that builds to a nerve-shredding climax"

Dominicus Mirror

"The Kind Worth Killing is a terrifically hypnotic page-turner that marks Peter Swanson as an exciting new talent.'"

Adept Housekeeping


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